3 Easy Ways to Teach Students About Sustainability

Yes, the OFFICIAL “Earth Day” is in April, but I’m a big believer that every day is Earth Day, so here we go.

From April on, my Kindergarten kiddos get really excited about recycling, the environment, and “going green”. If you’d like to incorporate some earth-friendly ideas into your in-class or Distance Learning lessons, here are some ideas:


I read lots of stories about the earth, but my recent favourites area Moi, la TerreJe suis capable: C'est bien d'être écolo! and Relève le défi zéro plastique: Petits gestes pour réduire la pollution. They all help to introduce children to the idea that the earth needs to be taken care of, and that they have the power to be a part of that.

How can you incorporate them into your classroom? Easy! Order the books from your local library and do a read-aloud with lots of discussion questions. How can you incorporate them into your Distance Learning Lessons? Snag a copy of the book and do a virtual read-aloud (if this is something that you’re interested in)! Or, if you’d rather show a ready-made read-aloud on YouTube, I’ve gathered a few for you below!

Hold a Single-Use Plastic Challenge!

I like sharing information with parents about how they can talk to their kiddos about being “low-waste”. A great source of information is Leah Stella Payne (she’s Canadian)! I’ve added a link to a cute, free hand-out BELOW that you can show families that includes an at-home challenge for making our homes a more eco-friendly place!

Get the handout here.

Get the handout here.

Lead by Example

Personally, I’ve started trying to go low-waste by re-using containers rather than just recycling them. I always thought I was doing such a good job by having loads of stuff at the end of the road on recycling day. But the fact of the matter is, things that go into the recycling don’t always get recycled (Mrs Greenway is another Canadian who has great information about this). Thankfully, a local refill store has recently opened up close to me, and is still open during the craziness of COVID-19, so we have been frequenting there. It’s been an awesome way to support a small local business AND reduce some of my waste.

Here are some of my tried-and-true, favourite eco-friendly products that I use regularly (click on the image for more info):

How about you? Do you teach your students/families about being earth-friendly all year long? What are some of your favourite stories and activities? How about some of your favourite companies or products? I’d love to hear about them in the comments below!


Hey, I’m Laura!

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I’m a French Immersion Kindergarten teacher from Ontario, Canada, and I can’t wait for you to see what I have in store to make your teacher life easier!



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